
This is an example of a WordPress page, you could edit this to put information about yourself or your site so readers know where you are coming from. You can create as many pages like this one or sub-pages as you like and manage all of your content inside of WordPress.

10 Responses to “About”

  1. Barry Says:

    Congrats! You are the 1 millionth active blog on WordPress.com!

  2. Matt Says:

    Not to guilt you into writing anything. 😉

  3. One milllllliion blogs on WordPress.com « Barry on WordPress Says:

    […] there right now, but hopefully there will be soon. Maybe head over and leave a comment on their about page to let them […]

  4. burtonator Says:


  5. Mark Ghosh Says:

    This has to be intimidating!

  6. m0th Says:

    Congratulations 🙂

  7. Trent Says:

    It must be a little exciting to know that you have blog number 1,000,000 ! ! ! Good luck with your blog!

  8. meta Says:

    All eyes on you buddy!


    “The medium is the message”

    “The medium is the massage”

    -Marshall McLuhan


  9. redracer Says:

    This is just the waste of a good blog 😦

  10. niche25 Says:

    Congrats on being # 1 million!!

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